What is the maximum amount of content FusionBot will index on my page?

There are two limitations associated with your FusionBot service related to indexing the contents of your site. FusionBot will download all HTML based files up to a maximum of 100K. Files that are larger than 100K will have their first 100K downloaded for potential indexing.

After retrieving your 100K or less file, Our agent will then begin parsing the contents of your file looking for indexable content, i.e. words / phrases within your document to be included in your index.

Depending on your package level, FusionBot will treat a specific number of Indexable Bytes as the equivalent of 1 page of content. In this manner, if a specific file contains more than your maximum number of Indexable Bytes / Page, according to your plan level, this content will still be indexed, but will count as additional pages towards your plan's maximum page allowance.

The following chart outlines the parameters used by FusionBot for your particular plan:

Package Max. File
Indexable Bytes Count as
Additional Pages
FREE 100K 20K No
Bronze 100K 20K Yes
Silver 100K 40K Yes
Gold 100K 80K Yes

Since FusionBot has different page limitations depending on a particular package, we must equate your page limitation to an Indexable Bytes per page allowance. We must implement this policy to prevent individuals from placing an inordinate amount of indexable content within a smaller quantity of actual pages. Therefore, pages with excessive content will still be indexed, however, they will count as additional pages towards your maximum page count.

However, the FREE package will only index a maximum of 20K of indexable content per page, and discontinue indexing any additional content in excess of 20K on any particular page.

To illustrate, if after retrieving a 100K file from your site, and parsing its content, with a net of 60K of Indexable Bytes, the BRONZE package will index all 60K bytes, and count this as 3 pages towards your total page count. Silver would treat this as 2 pages, Gold as 1 page, while the FREE package will only have the first 20K of content indexed for this particular page.

To view that status of your most recent index, including the size of each file downloaded, the amount of Indexable Bytes parsed, and the equivalent Net Page Count, please login to your account and run the Index Log Report.

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