How do I have my search results returned as XML?

To have your search results returned in XML format you must be subscribed to a Bronze or higher package.

For Bronze Customers:

To have FusionBot return your results in XML for pre-parsing, login to your FusionBot account, click on the Customization tab, and select the 'template' link.

Scroll to the bottom of your template choices and click the Choose link next to the XML template option.

For Silver & Gold customers:

To have FusionBot return your results in XML for pre-parsing, login to your FusionBot account, click on the Customization tab, and select the 'template' link.

Verify that you only have one custom template in place labeled 'Main'. If you have more than one custom template in place, you must first delete your additional templates by clicking the 'delete' link next to each of your templates. You must do this since you cannot have your results returned simultaneously as XML AND HTML (using custom search templates) at the same time. Implementing with XML will disable the search template feature all together.

If you wish to continue using your search templates feature, but also need to receive XML output for any reason, please reference the following FAQ.

After deleting any additional custom search templates, click the 'Edit' link next to your 'Main' template, and from the left-hand navigation menu, select the 'choose stock template' option. Scroll to the bottom of your template choices and click the Choose link next to the XML template option, and click the 'continue' button. You will be presented with a warning message to confirm the change, click the 'continue' button once again to accept your changes.

Before or after selecting XML as your default option, click on the Preview link to gain a better understanding of how the FusionBot XML feed is generated.

For specific instructions on how to implement FusionBot using XML, Click Here.

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