Can I prevent the indexing of content within specific tags, within specific pages on my site?

FusionBot allows for the global exclusion for indexing certain special HTML tags, such as META Keywords, Meta Description, IMG ALT, and content between open and close OPTION tags, which, by default, are indexed by our spider.

However, there may be times when you only wish to prevent the indexing of the content within certain tags, be it content within META, ALT, or OPTION tags, or any other tag, on specific pages rather than on a global basis.

Simply adding the attribute IGNORE="fusionbot" to ANY of your HTML tags will achieve this goal. Doing so will cause all other spiders to still index the content of the tags where this attribute is present, while at the same time calling for FusionBot to ignore them.

Below is an example of the IGNORE="fusionbot" implementation. The command must be implemented exactly as demonstrated to function properly. Also, after making changes to your desired pages, you must login to your account and click on the 'Request Spider' button for yourchanges to take affect:

<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="widgets, widgets for sale" IGNORE="fusionbot">

Or to instruct FusionBot to ignore your META HTTP-EQUIV content:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="0" IGNORE="fusionbot">

You could even instruct FusionBot to ignore one specific anchor tag link on one specific page if you chose to:

<A HREF="/widgets.html" IGNORE="fusionbot">

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