When a user submits a search against my FusionBot index, can I force their search terms to be a quoted phrase?

Yes, you can include a hidden field as part of the search box HTML code for displaying the search box on your site, that will cause any search terms entered into the search box, when submitted to FusionBot, to be placed between quotation marks.

Forcing quotation marks around your visitor's search terms will result in only matching documents that contain the exact phrase searched, where the keywords exist in the exact order they were entered. You must be sure that this is truly the functionality you desire, as the end result will be a significant reduction in the number of matching documents returned.

To force all search terms to be performed as a phrase search, include the following value before the close FORM tag (</FORM>) of your FusionBot search box HTML code:

<input type="hidden" name="phr" value="1">

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