Can I control the tabbing / indentation width used between levels on the FusionBot generated sitemap?

Silver & Gold customers can modify their search template to include an additional <STYLE> parameter in the <HEAD> section of their template HTML code, which will override the default indentation width used between sitemap levels.

Each node on your FusionBot generated sitemap contains a 'class' attribute named smPadding.

When no value is defined for smPadding, utilizing a STYLE tag in the HEAD section of your template, the default indentation width is used for your sitemap output.

Therefore, to override this default indentation width, add the following value to the <STYLE> section of your template:

.smPadding {padding-left: Xpx;}

Where the value of X, in bold for the sample above, is an integer value representing the number of pixels, in width, that should be used for each level of indentation.

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